The committee and members welcome you to Enderby Bowls Club.
Bowls is an exciting and skillful game encouraging comradeship, friendship and gives reward to the player from the enjoyment of individual play to the team involvement in competition. Members of this club will try to ensure you enjoy bowling with us and invite you to join in our other activities. In return we hope you will feel able to support your club as often as possible.
06/02/25: Membership Evening: 6pm – 9pm Thurs 06/02/25
13/04/25: Club Opening GALA: 2pm Sun 13th April
14/04/25: Weekly Chummies starts 9.45am Mon 14th April
24/05/25: Bowls Big Weekend: 10am Sat 24th May
25/05/25: Bowls Big Weekend: 10am Sun 25th May
12/06/25: New Bowlers Training Session: 6.30pm 12/06
14/06/25: Club Presidents Charity Day: 12.30pm Sat 14th June
23/07/25: County Benevolent Match: 2:15pm Wed 23rd July
01/08/25: Wade Cup Comp: 6:15pm Friday 1st August
03/08/25: Civil Service Jim Wilson Mem Shield: Sun 3rd Aug
20/08/25: Yeomanson Cup for New Bowlers: 6pm Wed 20th August
25/08/25: Chummies GALA: 10am Mon 25th August
31/08/25: Stapleton Cup GALA: 2pm Sun 31st August
06/09/25: Club Finals Day 1: 10am Sat 06th September
07/09/25: Club Finals Day 2: 10am Sun 07th September
14/09/25: NCL Final Day: 10am Sun 14th September
15/09/25: Weekly Chummies Ends
21/09/25: Closing GALA (Medhurst Trophy): 2.0pm Sun 21st September
07/11/25: Club Presentation Evening 6pm Friday 07/11/25
28/11/25: Club AGM 2024: 7pm Friday 28/11/25
07/12/25: Christmas Lunch: 12md Sun 7/12/25
Founded in 1937, Enderby Bowls Club is a long standing member of the bowls fraternity. With teams in several leagues. Members can play as often, or as little as they wish. With fully licensed bar we also cater for the social side of the game with a drink after the match and frequent social events in the evenings.
We have an excellent kitchen and cater for our own and outside functions. We are open all year round with bowling during the Summer months with a social evening on Wednesdays. We have regular craft and art classes during the Winter months. We have social functions throughout the year.
We are available for hire for Funeral Wakes, birthday parties etc.
Finally, Enderby Bowls Club offers all visitors, players and spectators a very warm welcome.
We seek to promote a friendly atmosphere in which both members and visitors can enjoy the bowling facilities available at our club and we hope and expect all members will support this aim.