New BOWLERS - come and try bowls.
It is a sport that is suitable for all ages, sexes and abilities, all you need is a pair of flat soled shoes or trainers. We will provide all the other equipment.
Free coaching is given on Monday mornings.
Bowls will be provided but you will need flat soled shoes / trainers on the green.
After the continuing success of this event, all members are requested to attend to help make it another very enjoyable occasion.
CHUMMY MONDAYS 09.30am - 12.15pm (9.45am start)
These informal Monday morning sessions are open to everyone, male or female, for practice or just for fun.
Our chummy mentors are here to improve our members’ game & to teach newcomers. Plus tea & biscuits.
Why not bring along anyone you know & show them this great game, whatever their age, equipment is provided.
Free coaching is given on Monday mornings.
Now commencing again on Monday 15th April 2024.
Marc Buet will be happy to help and to provide further details.
Full Bowling Membership - £115
New Members fees (1st year) - £30
(reduced to £25 if joining after our Open Day)
Associate Membership - £20
Social Membership - £15
Youth Membership - Free
CHUMMIES will commence earlier this year by request on Monday 15th April and ending on Monday 16th September.
CHUMMIES is a friendly time for new bowlers and seasoned bowlers alike to participate in a practice and learning environment, but importantly to have fun! One of the benefits of playing bowls which cannot be underestimated is the people you meet and the friendships you make.
There are usually several experienced bowlers to help and if new, individual roll ups can be arranged and tailored to experience. Please could I ask if like last year the weather is inclement or practice is required by competitive players, you ring beforehand to see if a rink can be arranged.
Prompt 09.30 arrival for 09.45 start.
10.45 - 11.15 coffee/tea/social/joke
11.15 - 12.15 further bowling
Please play £1 on arrival for refreshments. Please also take a disc from the table and when encouraged to do so come back, return the disc and take another which will have a coloured number on it., e.g. RED 4 means you are in the Red team on Rink 4!!
April 15th - Start & General Roll up
April 22nd - Jacqui and Dave choice
April 29th - Jacqui and Dave choice
May 6th - TBC
May 13th - TRIPLES
May 20th - PAIRS
May 27th - TBC - Gala at 2pm
June 3rd - TRIPLES
June 10th - 2 jack bowls
June 17th - ROLL UP
June 24th - ROLL UP
July 22nd - TRIPLES
July 29th - TRIPLES
August 5th - ROLL UP
August 12th - ROLL UP
August 19th - ROLL UP
August 26th - Chummies Gala Day at 10am - 2.30pm
Sept 2nd - TRIPLES
Nothing is set in stone and as ever can be flexible and meet the needs of members.
Marc receiving his COE award-
‘Chummies Organiser Extraordinaire’
from Dave (Bowling Committee)
Marc said he had never received
an award in his life!
So we made him one!
CHUMMIES will commence on Monday April 15th.
All bowlers welcome of any standard and who wish to enjoy a social roll up and opportunity to bowl with like-minded bowlers.
Evan if new to game or want to know more CHUMMIES should give the opportunity in an informal and relaxed setting to learn more about the game from fellow supportive players and players of all standards.
If you are new to the game and are looking for coaching please let me know on arrival.
New this year will be opportunity to have a tea break with biscuits.
Please note small charge of £1.00 for this payable as you arrive.
As tea break or coffee if you prefer is taking place;
please note start time is 09.30 for 09.45am start with 12.15 finish to ensure we get around two hours playing time.
To save the enviroment i would encourage use of score boards which will be set up for you.
To ensure a prompt start please would all players take a numbered disk in numerical order and then return it on return to pick up rink and team designation.
As far as i am aware only 29th July is not allocated for Chummies due to touring club visiting.
Mark Buet
CHUMMY MONDAYS 09.30am (9.45am start) - 12.15pm
and (tba at a later date Thursday evenings 6.30pm - 8.30pm)
These informal Monday morning sessions are open to everyone, male or female, for practice or just for fun.
Our chummy mentors are here to improve our members’ game & to teach newcomers. Plus tea & biscuits.
Why not bring along anyone you know & show them this great game, whatever their age, equipment is provided.
We have regular Monday morning 'Chummies' sessions where coaches will be on hand to help and advise
Free coaching is given on Monday mornings.
Now commencing again on Monday 15th April 2024.
Marc Buet will be happy to help and to provide further details.
Good Morning to all our New Bowlers - we welcome you to Enderby Bowls Club - if you have not yet received your welcome envelope please collect it from the pigeonholes inside the Clubhouse.
Our regular 'Chummies' morning takes place every Monday 9.30 am (9.45am start) - 12.15pm (weather permitting) where our Club Coaches will be available for help and advice.
In addition, the following dates/times are being considered for new bowlers where help and advice will be available covering the rules of the game and structures of play.
These evening sessions maybe for 6.30 - 8.30 pm on the following dates: 13/06/24
New Bowlers Competition Day - TBA
All sessions are designed to help you get to grips with the rules of the sport whilst enjoying participating in play
As a member, you can book rink space to play at other times - please check availability via the website ( or the diary in the clubhouse as there are organised games/competitions regularly taking place so on certain days space could be limited. If you have any doubts then please contact a member of the Management or Bowling Committee (or existing bowling member) for advice - we all want to help you to learn the game and help you settle in..
Looking forward to seeing you at the Club
Chummies Competition 2024
I am pleased to announce that on monday 17th june we shall be having a competition!!
All are welcome to attend.
Teams will be randomly selected and format such that should be open for any team to win!!
1. Games will be first to 21 points
2.Jacks will be roving.
3.All players will rotate on each end!!
4.Your points score will be your winning score minus opposition score.
IE if you win 21/11 your points score will be 9
5.JOKER...As a team for one end only you may choose to play your joker this will enable you
to subtract double points scored from opposition!! Assuming of course you win end.
Please if you wish to play put your names down on form on club notice board or let me or josie know
so that i may plan accordingly.
As ever there will be a first and second prize plus a booby prize.
Entry will be £2.00 per person on that day to cover cost of prizes ect.
If it rains and cant play competion will be moved to following week.
I hope everyone is enjoying CHUMMIES and their bowling.
The committee and members welcome you to Enderby Bowls Club.
Bowls is an exciting and skillful game encouraging comradeship, friendship and gives reward to the player from the enjoyment of individual play to the team involvement in competition. Members of this club will try to ensure you enjoy bowling with us and invite you to join in our other activities. In return we hope you will feel able to support your club as often as possible.
Members elect committees to oversee the functions of the Club, plan its activities and its future expansion and development. They are responsible for ensuring the buildings and facilities are maintained and the bowling green kept in excellent condition and the surrounds neat and colourful.
Management and Bowling committees meet on a regular basis and bring members up-to-date with matters which may have arisen over the winter and to outline club plans for the forthcoming season.
A Club Annual General Meeting is held in November. At this meeting the annual report is discussed, Committee members selected and a general discussion conducted where members may ask questions and voice any concerns or suggestions on the running of the club.
The club sends delegates to Bowls Leicester and various inter-club meetings, to gather information, discuss bowling matters giving our views and suggestions.